We acknowledge that parents and family members want their children to succeed, but it's unacceptable when they interfere with their adult children's lives. This includes pressuring them to stay in unwanted relationships, dictating how they should live, or limiting their choices and decisions under the guise of 'knowing what's best.'

A crucial factor is often overlooked: adults, especially those over 30, are fully capable of making their own decisions. They don't need parents, friends, or family members to make choices for them.

This reminds me of a story about a bear who loved his owner dearly. While the owner slept, a bug landed on his head. The bear tried to shoo the bug away, but when it wouldn't leave, he lifted a heavy rock and smashed his owner's head, believing he was killing the bug to protect his owner. In reality, the bear's actions killed the owner . 

An overbearing love can be a destructive force, suffocating the very person it claims to care for.


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