Tenant: I saw your ad , is your property for rent ?
Landlord: Yes , it is
Tenant: Can you give me more details and a virtual tour?
Landlord: Ofcourse, I send you a virtual tour and details right now , my property was renovated recently with fresh painting in an excellent condition
Tenant: Okey, let me see that , I get back to you
Tenant: I saw virtual tour it looks great , I am interested can I see it in person, is rent negotiable?
Landlord: Rent is compatible with market but if I see you are eligible we can discuss about discount, when do you want to visit it ?
Tenant: I am busy this week , next week ? I really want this property
Landlord: Okay, how about Tuesday next week, I bring two copies of contract in case you decided to sign it
Nex week
Landlord: Hi , nice to meet you , I give you a tour to aprtment and amenities
Tenant: Good , let's go
Landlord: Okey that's it , what do you think? Is it what you expected? Renovated and fresh ?
Tenant: Yes , I like it , I want to sign a contract
Landlord and Tanent shake hands
Landlord :There you go, it is your copy , welcome to my property
Tenant: Thanks I e transferd deposit
Two days after
Tenant: This property is not what I wanted , I send you a list of claims for maintenance
Landlord : I think you are mistaken, property just before you move in renovated, I send some one check on your claims
Landlord: Expert checked your claim did not agree with you neither am I
Tenant: Your property is not a place for living
Landlord: Okey, based on law I will visit my property in 24h to check on your claims personally
Tenant: I am busy , can't be there for your visit
Landlord:It is ok , I have my key can check it if you are busy
Tenant: No , I don't want any one come inside my apartment in my absence
Landlord: Don't worry, how about the day after
Tenant: No , I am not available
Landlord: Okey , If i can not see what is wrong I can not fix it , besides everything recently was fixed if anything is missing I should check first
Two weeks later
Tenant: I evacuated your property give my deposit back
Landlord: You have one year contract with me , I dropped all other interested Tanent for you , you can not just abandoned my property without notice
Tenant: Give me my money
Landlord: If you believe is any misunderstanding let's talk about it
You owe me rent , deposit is for last month of duration of contract not for temporary using my property
A month later
Landlord: I am ready talk about contract, or let you go out of it by end of the month
Tenant: No I just pay for two weeks I was there
Landlord: I am waving 60 days notice to one month, you caused me lost of many potential Tanents
Tenant: No I do not pay a month rent
Landlord: I am going to file a complaint against you if you are not cooperating, still I am willing to resolve this without court be involved
Tenant: No response
Landlord: Sorry , I filed a complaint but still if you pay me rent by today I withdraw it
One year later
A conference call for investigation on evidences and hearings
Results: Postponded for later time
Two years later
Another conference call for hearings
Two months later
Results: Tenant is in fault and should pay ...amount to landlord by this date ...
One month later
Landlord: Tenant did not pay his over due rents by court deadline
No response
Landlord: Tenant is not paying his owe money
No response
Landlord: I am taking this order to be enforced by authorities
Authorities: We can not enforce this order , you should file a complaint against Tanent with small claims court
Landlord: I filed a complaint two years ago and have an order in my hand after two years I file another complaint?
Authorities: Sorry , we can not help , you can hire a debt collector
Landlord: I spent money and time for recieving this order on top of financial loss , I should pay more money because my name is landlord and his name is Tanent?
Authorities: Sorry
By : Sam Smith
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