When some individuals, specially those who are holding high positions, fail in protecting incidents, they try to use propaganda about the victim to direct the public away from the truth. In this wrong advertising, they don't hesitate, after defaming the victim, to go after her family and friends.
They try to use communication systems, which clearly are not in control of the public, and some authorities take over it to create misleading environments to make the victim shut up or make the public believe she or her family are dangerous.
In this way, they cross the line over and over, using the victim's family pictures to simulate a terrorist, killer, murderer, cropped politician, thief, and criminal to cover their negligence by creating false and fake evidence to prove their lies have a reason. Unfortunately, we are witnesses to many scenarios where the victim is sentenced by this type of misleading and propaganda in a court of law.
While all over the world we hear many organizations talking about human rights and having a variety of slogans, it seems they are mostly nice words for cover-up, not action for helping victims or punishing saboteurs and authorities at fault.
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