Some individuals exhibit excessive curiosity about others' finances, private lives, and relationships, failing to recognize they're intruding. They often cross boundaries by pretending familiarity or a romantic connection, even fantasizing about past or present relationships.

While entertaining themselves with these scenarios, they neglect to understand of the emotional and mental harassment they cause.

They are not aware of their legal consequences of their actions, including sending anonymous emails and phone calls impersonating banks, Service Canada, doctor office or hiding behind family and relatives.

 These individuals often suffer from low self-esteem, a history of invisibility, and past rejections. By inserting themselves into someone else's life, they attempt to compensate for their failures and rejections by harassing their victims.

These individuals are easily triggered by any move their victim makes, such as: Shopping, Going out, Laughing, Saying hello to someone, Engaging in any social activity

They obsessively look for anything that might be related to their victim, even:

Inside their building, On the street and Through social media

Their constant surveillance and monitoring can lead to a sense of perpetual fear and anxiety for the victim.


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