To those attempting to discredit my work:

I've repeatedly clarified that I'm the sole author of my books, blogs, and articles. However, some individuals continue to test me, believing someone else is behind my writing.

This baseless accusation has escalated into a smear campaign, with rumors spreading that my accomplishments, possessions, and words are not my own. This has created a toxic environment, making my life unbearable.

Some have even crossed boundaries, prying into my personal life and relationships. They've subjected me to mental and emotional abuse, seeking sensationalized "truths" about my past.

I'm compelled to ask: what drives this relentless harassment? The only plausible explanation is that these individuals crave the fame and fortune associated with targeting celebrities and politicians.

Their behavior reminds me of the metaphor of the wooden doll, where a needle is inserted to harass and control those more powerful. This is precisely what's been happening in my life for years.

In response to this poisoning environment, I will be posting articles exposing businesses' harassment and individual bullying tactics. I predict that after these posts, these same individuals will attempt to play the victim, claiming that they shouldn't be held accountable for their actions.

Let me be clear: I will not be silenced. I will continue to shed light on these abusive behaviors, and I will not tolerate further harassment.


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