When people try to make assumptions about you, pretending to know what's going on in your head or heart, it can be really disturbing. This behavior is often used by individuals trying to cover up their own misconduct, unprofessionalism, or malpractice. By pretending to know how you feel or think, they're attempting to manipulate the situation to their advantage.

This kind of behavior is different from genuinely trying to understand someone's perspective. It's more like a form of emotional manipulation, where they're using assumptions and predictions to control the narrative. And when it escalates to playing on your emotions, pretending to break up with you, or using other forms of emotional blackmail, it's clear that boundaries have been crossed.

While you expect a professional and ethical business, it's shocking to encounter individuals who are playing games, trying to manipulate, or using emotional tactics. It's not just unprofessional; it's a corruption in business. Joking about such behavior is not acceptable, as it undermines the trust and integrity that are essential in any business relationship.

It's disappointing to see this kind of behavior, especially when it comes from people you trust and rely on for important life decisions. 


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