Since the dawn of the 21st century, we've witnessed unprecedented technological advancements. Computers, once exclusive to universities and high-tech organizations, now reside in every home. Cellphones have become equivalent to laptops, making technology accessible to all. However, this revolution has also created a divide.
A group of individuals, unwilling to adapt to these innovations, feel left behind. Instead of embracing change, they attempt to prove their superiority over technology or compete with its outputs. This misguided resistance has permeated various sectors, including:
Banking, Education , Research programs
Medical healthcare , Law .....
Personally, I encountered a doctor who, instead of diagnosing my condition, instructed me to "Google it." This backward mentality, disguised as a "survival method," has led some to accuse technology adopters of having vested interests or ties to its creators.
Twenty-four years into this new century, a lingering mindset persists: using and appreciating technology, including AI, somehow implies affiliation with or benefit from its developers. This misconception ignores the true essence of the technological revolution – embracing progress, efficiency, and innovation.
It's time to recognize the value of harmonious coexistence between technology and human expertise, rather than perpetuating unnecessary conflicts."
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