Most mental disorders have their roots in childhood experiences. The theory of hypnosis is a method used to explore a patient's life history and uncover underlying causes of their distress.

However, a large group of people misuse this technique for their own benefit, digging into others' lives without consent, even using it as a tool for background checks or to uncover sensitive information like a partner's history.

This exploitation turns a medical method intended for treatment into a tool for torture and harassment. Sadly, history repeats itself, much like the atomic bomb, which was initially discovered to improve lives but ultimately destroyed millions.

When abuse and harassment become ingrained in a culture, perpetrators often shift the blame by linking emotional and mental abuse to the victim's past.

They claim that the victim is simply being reminded of past traumas or that the abuse is a result of their own childhood experiences or sibling dynamics.

This tactic not only perpetuates harm but also creates a double jeopardy for the victim, where they are forced to relive past traumas while being gaslighted into doubting their own experiences.



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