Every parent hopes their child will grow and achieve success. As generations move forward, they bring fresh minds, a hunger for learning, and more patience than their predecessors. On the other hand, older generations possess valuable experiences and skills honed from living longer and facing reality, rather than just theory.

However, the world faces challenges like limited job opportunities and housing shortages, which demand attention from authorities. But replacing older authorities with younger ones, assuming they can better understand and solve younger generations' problems, is overly optimistic. It's like believing a 16-year-old driver can navigate the road like a seasoned driver with ten to fifteen years of experience.

As the US approaches its election, this trend seems to be influencing candidates. As a Canadian observer interested in politics, I believe that for high-stakes positions like President or Vice President, experience should take precedence over quick learning. An experienced leader can surround themselves with younger experts to stay updated on new technologies or skills, but we can't hire someone to instinctively know how to navigate complex economic and political situations.


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