I have to give 5 stars to the Author because he masterfully maneuvered Mark Zuckerberg's biography to Facebook's journey. Therefore, readers learn a little about his personal life but mostly his business.

 As much as I understand and agree with critics about broken privacy, we should remind ourselves that the main Facebook feature for connecting billions of people is knowing a summary of everyone's personal info. Besides, as much as those info and history of posts are harmful, they are also useful.

 I am one of the million people who could recover from emotional and mental abuse by knowing my posts are shared with others; it might include my private information. Also, victims who have no access to justice in a timely manner could take advantage of Facebook's database for keeping all old posts and info in court later. 

It is no doubt Mark Zuckerberg started this business for connecting everyone all over the world, but every businessman and woman is aware of political impacts on a business of this size. In other words, politicians are on your side as long as it is in their benefit, and shifting your business to a critical status, switching from a successful business to dropping large percent of share prices, using data and personal information as their tools against you, and even leading you into an environment where you cannot see what should be seen and observe what is political targets are part of this tactic.

 It is no wonder most top companies in the world, specifically those who are as smart as Mark Zuckerberg, led to visiting other countries' problems but not what is in front of them. 

As a writer and Author who have been facing these types of leading every day, I know Zuckerberg's intention was helping people, but it is a game of "keep your money and fame and leave power to us," and he won't be able to survive if he doesn't play along.


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