The phrase "First, build the well, then steal the minaret" emphasizes the importance of planning before taking action. However, some individuals misinterpret this phrase and use it to harm others.

In some cases, by creating fake medical records label individuals as "delusional" or "schizophrenic" as part of a larger scheme ( communications systems, broadcasting , health care system and even justice... ) to exploit them. This can lead to a dangerous environment where false beliefs and delusions are created for their benefits or poletical advantages, such as directing victims to ,

- Believing an important person is in love with them

- Thinking they have special powers or knowledge

- Believing their spouse or partner is unfaithful

Meanwhile, those responsible may be secretly mistreating, spying on, or harming victim without leaving any evidence, making it seem like she is indeed delusional. This can lead to her legitimate symptoms being ignored.

The worst part is that victims are often categorized into groups that are more vulnerable to these types of disorders, such as immigrants, the disabled, and the elderly, in order to ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria for the perpetrators' planned exploitation.

When victims face discrimination, racism, and harassment at the hands of ordinary individuals, they typically turn to law enforcement and medical professionals for support and prevention. However, when malpractice or corruption occurs within the every systems such as professionals or corrupted institutions, who can victims turn to with their complaints?


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