People usually are comparing their income with others regardless of what is their family and social status,  position,  education, and previously living situation.

For that reason HR in every company keeps salary and benefits confidential.

They are aware except mangers no one exactly knows what an employee is doing .

This comparison and competition extend to personal life too , our friends think if their education and experiences are equal or higher should live the same as you or better but they never consider how they spend money or mange their costs . 

In some cases they convinced themselves they spend less money , eat less ,not going places as often as you and other excuses to make themselves belive you are God favorite and he gives you all lucks on the earth .

While their apprances, living situation , home and car might not look as good as you but if we just review their spending money is clear money mangment is a main factor .

You have heard or witnessed some businesswoman and businessman goes bankrupt,  or their income suddenly decrease to 1/10 . In this among some can get back to top or adopt the new situation while others by comparing themselves with those who manged their money find another excuse for blaming on favoritism.



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