Materials are categorized in three groups solid, flouid and gas , we are taught solid is not moving or changing its shape,  liquid is very flexible and can adopt any environment and gas usually is escapable. 

While they are scientific definition but in some cases are used as similarity between human and material , using solid as not flexible and regit people , flouid as a group who can accept every environment quickly and gas similar to a group who wants to escape and live without pressure. 

In closer look to those definitions and similarities we can discover hidden political/economical messages. Even in some cases an artificial environment is created to make a human become part of solid, liquid and gas groups .

However some of under pressure human could survive but in solid group inflexible human breaks in some point  , in flouid they adopt any environment even abusive one and in gas category pressure led to escaping and breaking surroundings. 

If the root of unnecessary pressure and creating a Controlling environment could be known,  it might be a progress in economical/ political issues .


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