When I arrived to Canada to start a new life, I was heard almost in every meeting , workshop and training speeches about how Canada standing against discrimination, racism and harassment. 

It was a great feeling to know I am going to live in a safe country that cares about all those worldwide problems. 

But this dream changed to facing reality in a few years when personally became a target of racism, discrimination and harassment in my work environment and quickly extended to my personal life. 

I kept my hopes up , stayed positive thinking it is in part of community and I always can take my complaints to Government that initiated and put many laws in place to stop those damaging problems .

But , this hope turned to a mirage after I filed tens of complaints,  providing evidences and claimed my cases for discrimination,  racism , mental, emotional abuse and interrogation . I noticed later what I heard in the beginning was just a beautiful slogans nothing more. 

As a result not only my complaint didn’t get anywhere but also I marked as a black duck ,a white forehead cow and whistle-blower, following my every right has been violating since that day.


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