Are society put financial pressure on women to cut costs of dress, hair, make up and other unique cost related to a woman  ?

It seems we are moving backward to the time women and men just were covering their private part equally . Recently men expection and controlling on women lifestyle is increasing. 

It is not clear they are trying to cut costs of living? , Are after wrong equality ?or simply use it as a technique to stop women be attractive and they can play mix and match game to get a woman they desire regardless of society leveling.

What the purpose of this abusive approach is , it has been making a harassing environment for women and girls and is against of HumanRights charter .

This harassmen is as disturbing as , beating, controlling emotion and financial, belittling,  and messing up every aspect of nature of being a man or woman .

Should we look backward talk about it in 21 century  ?


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