Artificial intelligence ( AI) is a top discussion in every gathering, office meeting and conferences but really is working as good as advertising?
I tested it just like millions of other curious people who are looking for fast and accurate answers.
It worked perfectly in basic version answering some simple questions, I got so excited thinking it is end of going to this or that website or organization asking for answer , that’s why I take it one step further asking about my books .
Answers were unexpected and therifing, first it explained that my books are about Sam Smith singer and even mentioned his picture is on my blog !!!!
I corrected it, my writing has nothing with his career or life and asked about reviewing one of my book .Expecting if is not reading all at least read a few paragraphs and analyze it but surprisingly I noticed after a few seconds is writing pages about how my story is about a girl and boy relationship and Sam Smith singer life .While this specific book is about Covid-19 and its impacts on all aspects of life , politically, economically and socially.
I tried some more experiments and sadly most of its answers were completely out of range.
In a minute my hope and excitement turned to downer just wishing developers fix glitch and don’t make millions customers who have eyes on AI revolution disappointed.
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