Is it true that telling on bulling backfires?
In my opinion it is true because bully likes to be noticed as powerful person who no one can touchs him , and for sure it has psychological history behind every bullying.
Bully is interested to be liked by others and be center of attention for lack of affection that he missed in his childhood or those environments he wanted to be known and be admired but it did not happen, he takes this invisibility and feeling small on anyone who is fragile or really do not care about who likes or not like him .
This way bully can take revenge of his bullies on a victim and since his victim is not type of person interested in showing off or careless to opinion of those who do not like him , bully use it as his advantage and in hidden places or locations that he knows no one watching this harassment peack on his victim and in front of others play polite, kind, caring , nice and friendly to get others attention.
In the matter of fact he is hitting two birds with one stone. He relives himself by disturbing victim and gets others attention to be noticable .
However bully by using this tactic temporary feels happy but this worthless comes back very soon , in another hand his victim without doing anything is suffering for lack of people awareness and those who use to judge someone without knowing what is real story.
By: Sam Smith
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