A new method of gaslighting and mental abuse is mix and match game.
In this game abusers pick a role and make victim blindly picks one of them as partner , friend , family member , lawyer, doctor, police, authority and even spouse and children.
Since victim is blind folded and kept in the dark by facing unusual and ignorance approaches from those who are supposed to have a certain position in society gets confused and after she notices her every request for her health , justice, finance, jobs and living status came back with nonsense plus those positions are changing all the time with a new role loose her mind and even it led to suicide .
In this gasligthing and mental abuse victim is a symble of a ball who is shot in another yard and while bullies are enjoying and having fun victim is suffering and in most of the time she dies from mix and match in medication, wrong diagnosis, injustice and negligence or minimum Cause her paralysis and mental disability.
This new abuse method is without of trace because any one who is involved easily could deny what he has done by changing his role .
In addition to using victim as a tool for their entertainment they force her to pick them as her choice and for that reason her every move in life is controlled and directed , this way victim is under pressure and emotional abuse all the time and her choice of living is not important, she should obeys what bullies need and want .Therefore if she picks anything is not in bullies interests is labeled as bad, ugly , corrupted, unacceptable behavior, racism, and all types of unusual labeling which makes her be isolated and stay in dark till pick one or all of her bullies.
This method could be a simulation for cold war in new century, since authorities , health system , businesses and law are involved is a dangerous game that looks entreating for bullies but practically is a new method for third world war.
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